Injured turtles will continue to be nursed back to health at a new state-of-the art facility being developed on a 100-acre property off Television Road.
A ground breaking ceremony for the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre’s new home was held Wednesday, attended by a number of dignitaries, including Dave Piccini, Ontario’s Minister for Environment, Conservation and Parks. He toured the site that is now home to some 1,000 turtles recovering from their injuries.
Also on hand were siblings Mary and Gerry Young, who donated 100 acres of their family’s farmland for the new facility. Gerry noted that while the turtle rehabilitation and conservation will be the immediate benefactor, there’s a longer-range benefit to their land’s perpetuity.
For his part, Minister Piccini heaped praised on Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre executive director Dr. Sue Carstairs and her team.
Meanwhile, Peterborough-Kawartha MPP Dave Smith related a personal experience that brought home for him the importance of the centre’s work.
A $3 million campaign to raise for funds for the new centre, projected to open a year from now, continues, with $2.5 million brought in to date. To donate or for more information about naming rights, visit www.ontarioturtle.ca/donation-options.
(Written by: Paul Rellinger)