The local Catholic school board’s renaming journey is moving forward, with four shortlisted potential names shortlisted and awaiting public input.
A new board name that aligns with the set criteria of inclusivity, simplicity and representation is being sought to replace Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board
The shortlisted names are Holy Trinity Catholic District School Board, Lakeside Catholic District School Board, Oak Ridges Catholic District School Board and Sacred Waters Catholic District School Board. Until April 7th, the public is invited to visit https://engagepvnc.ca/our-name-our-story to rank them in order of preference.
Board director Stephen O’Sullivan says 71 percent of community respondents to a December survey said it was time for a change.
Audio PlayerO’Sullivan says public input on the shortlisted names is a key part of the process moving forward.
Audio PlayerO’Sullivan says next steps in the process are a work in progress.
Audio Player(Written by: Paul Rellinger)