Everything on the playard is quick and easy! It’s effortless to move around the house. Everything about it with soothe and keep baby cozy! Let’s face it, the entire family wins with this one!
I’m going to be honest. When I saw this set up my first thought was “awesome”. If I was a baby, and I wanted to play, this is the set up I would want. This screams, “I love my kid more than you”. Just kidding.
Just one look at this and you’re ready to nap. I would buy the grown-up version. Take my money! A sleeping baby makes everything smooth. You can be the hero by gifting this!
This is a horrible gift IF you really love the parents. However, if you need payback for something, buying small kids a drum set is the perfect punishment. Kidd don’t want to work, but they will bang on the Drum all day. Its hilarious as long as you’re not in the same house.