On April 8, 2024, a spectacular and rare celestial event is set to unfold over
Canada, the United States and Mexico – a total solar eclipse.
As the Moon aligns perfectly between Earth and the Sun, temporary darkness will sweep across parts of the country,
captivating countless spectators.
Solar Eclipse Local News Stories

Residents gazed skyward as total solar eclipse hit region yesterday afternoon
Earth-bound audiences turned skyward as the sun moved directly behind the moon, plunging parts of Canada into the darkness of a total solar eclipse. We were able to catch the perspective of some onloo...
Apr 09, 2024

OPP shares eclipse traffic tips for safe travel
If you're driving to reach an eclipse event or destination, Ontario Provincial Police want you to remember that many others likely have that same idea. OPP are also reminding drivers against wearing s...
Apr 08, 2024

Trent University professor unveils mysteries of the total solar eclipse
You've likely been blitzed with a bunch of information recently about the total solar eclipse - but some of us are still wondering, why is this a big deal? Dr. David Patton is a professor in Trent's P...
Apr 08, 2024

Cellphone and internet providers ready for solar eclipse traffic surge in eastern Canada
Major cellphone and internet providers say they're ready to handle a surge in wireless traffic during today's solar eclipse as visitors descend on regions that fall along the path of totality in Easte...
Apr 08, 2024

Solar eclipse sparks spiritual interpretations
For some of the more spiritually-minded, today's solar eclipse isn't just an interesting astronomical event. Toronto-based astrologer Samantha Chin says some believe the eclipse can signal disruption ...
Apr 08, 2024

COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Total solar eclipse truly a special occasion for many
The total solar eclipse on Monday is an exciting time for many, from casual spectators to those working in science studying the event. Mark Richardson is the Manager of Education & Public Outreach...
Apr 07, 2024

Countdown to the solar eclipse: cloudy with a chance of spectacular darkness
Now just three more sleeps from the total solar eclipse in Ontario, and many are starting to worry about whether or not they'll be able to see the event because of cloud cover. Environment Canada Seni...
Apr 05, 2024

Health professionals stress eye protection for solar eclipse viewing
As we count down the final days to the solar eclipse, health professionals want to make sure everyone is taking the proper precautions when it comes to protecting their peepers. Dr. Jessica Jackman sa...
Apr 04, 2024

COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Total solar eclipse phenomena a short drive away for area residents
If there was ever a time to stop and look up, April 8th at 2:07 p.m. will be that time. In the Peterborough region, that time will mark the start of what will be a partial solar eclipse - an astronomi...
Mar 31, 2024

Queen Mary Parent Council selling solar eclipse glasses as part of fundraiser
Peterborough and surrounding areas are gearing up for the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th. As the moon's shadow engulfs the sun between 2pm and 4:30pm, residents are encouraged to secure their viewin...
Mar 26, 2024

Safety precautions urged for upcoming solar eclipse
Several school boards across the province are rescheduling their PA days to align with the upcoming solar eclipse. This means that on April 8th, numerous students will be staying home from school loca...
Mar 18, 2024

School board shifts schedule ahead of solar eclipse
A total solar eclipse expected to impact the region has caused the local Catholic school board to make a change to its schedule. Trustees have voted in favour of changing the P-A day scheduled on Frid...
Dec 08, 2023